
Project Dynamics
    My company general contracting monomer 32 million square meters of Ordos City Tiexi Wan Jia people's livelihood project market has nearly completed, is expected to completed by the end of the year.
    By my company participating in the construction of Ningxia Petrochemical Company 5 million tons / year refinery change expansion project recently started smoothly, the project is the national petroch...
    Recently, by the Shanghai Branch of the construction of Kunshan Xin He Wan Hua Yuan project started smoothly, the project is located in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, Hexing Road on the north side, ...
    By my company Shanghai Branch Construction of Maanshan City Mingdu Fortune Plaza will be in recently officially started, the project is by Maanshan City Mingdu home limited liability company in Maans...
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